
Massimo De Vita comic

Mickey Mouse and the Sleeping Beauty in the Stars

Mickey Mouse and the Sleeping Beauty in the Stars

Mickey Mouse and Goofy thought that the terrible Prince of Fogs had been defeated, but a distress call from Yor means that the Land of Argaar is still in danger! The mystical land can only be saved by waking its princess from a deep sleep. But to find her, Mickey and Goofy will have to travel to space!

Mickey Mouse and the Argaar Tournament: Return to the Land of Adventure

Mickey Mouse and the Argaar Tournament: Return to the Land of Adventure

Mickey Mouse and Goofy return to Argaar, a fantastical land that's in big trouble! Things have changed in surprising ways since Mickey's last visit, but, according to the wizard Yor, Argaar can only be saved from utter destruction by the legendary hero... Goofy!

Mickey Mouse in the Sword of Ice

Mickey Mouse in the Sword of Ice

Join Mickey Mouse and Goofy on this adventure of mythical proportions in a dimension where they must venture into unknown places in search for the Lost Sword of Ice in the Land of Giants! The welfare of the people of Ululand depends on it... but will they be successful?
