
Jeff Lindsay comic

Dexter: Down Under

Dexter: Down Under

When Dexter travels down under, he quickly discovers that sharks aren't Australia's only deadly predator!
Genre: Adventure



Dexter Morgan is more than Miami's top forensic blood spatter expert. He does double-duty as the city's friendly neighborhood crime-fighting serial killer - a murderer who targets his fellow murderers! Dexter puts his horrible hobby on hold as he finds himself trapped in a sticky situation - his high school reunion. But when Miami's newest serial killer starts racking up a body count, has Dexter met his match? And did Dexter have a hand in creating this brutal butcher? It's murderous mayhem as Dexter's Dark Passenger - his bloodthirsty inner voice - demands satisfaction and the forensic expert turns inward, getting his hands dirty digging through a dark chapter from his past.
