
Jeremy Haun comic

Strange Cerebus

Strange Cerebus

First (and last?) appearances of Varkternity (Vark-Finite?) and Galactamungus (who mentions Platinum Surfer-Boy); the CIH? house drummer; reprints online strips from July-August 2016: Super-Cerebus Revenge Squad; The Whore of Babylon gets a tattoo; MILESTONE! the first time Dante suspected Cerebus and Super-Cerebus were one and the same! LeonTrotzky; Plato vs. Aristotle; Obama voters; MILESTONE! Super-Suberec, the Anti-Super-Cerebus and Cerebus go to Starbucks; hardcore Madonna fans; Wildcat: Total Golden-Age Dick the memoir; Francis' Sacred Church of NFL Football; West Side Story, and more!
Genre: Fantasy

Turtlemania Special

Turtlemania Special

Here, for the first time, are pages and pages of previously unpublished T.M.N.T. artwork. Also on hand are 3 - count 'em - exclusive previews of upcoming Turtle stories.

You Dont Know Jack

You Dont Know Jack

THE MOST INCLUSIVE COMIC EVER! A 48-page comic-book collaboration between legendary Cerebus creator Dave Sim, real-life (now, former) comic-store manager Jack VanDyke, and artist Carson Grubaugh.

The Strange Death Of Alex Raymond

The Strange Death Of Alex Raymond

Legendary comics creator, Dave Sim, returns with his long awaited The Strange Death of Alex Raymond, in this special promotional release of 2/5ths of the final book. Spinning out of Sim’s history of photo-realism in comics from his series glamourpuss (April 2008 – July 2012), The Strange Death of Alex Raymond deals with the death of Alex Raymond in an accident while driving Stan Drake’s 1956 Corvette on September 6th, 1956, and all the “Comic-Art Metaphysics” (as Sim has dubbed it,) that goes along with that.

Free Speeches

Free Speeches

Contains essays, pin-ups and shorts stories dedicated to Freedom of Speech.
Genre: Anthology



An examination of the historical roots of the Holocaust through quotes from historical personages drawn in a photorealism style from period photographs. Begun in response to the sixtieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz (2005) it is released to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of Israel.
Genre: Historical

Cerebus in Hell?

Cerebus in Hell?

The first new Cerebus comics since 2004! Where has Cerebus been since he died twelve years ago? Is he in hell? Purgatory? Limbo? Some strange 1980 disco with links to Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Henry Kissinger? Some ancient Greek disco with links to Plato, Socrates, Aristotle? Some 1990s disco with links to The Stone Roses, the Happy Mondays, and Oasis? Is he stuck inside his own Cerebus Online Disco Twitter-feed? Well, wherever he is, he deserves it, so feel free to laugh at his misfortune! Featuring four-panel strips with Cerebus photoshopped into Gustave Dore's engravings of DANTE'S INFERNO.
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy



Cerebus rides into a town in the early dawn. Following a skirmish in a tavern he's recruited by a couple of thieves. In exchange for a pouch of gold, Cerebus helps two thieves try to steal the Flame Jewel, whose owner is a powerful wizard.
