
Superhero comic

Amazing Spider-Man Super Special

Amazing Spider-Man Super Special

Eddie Brock may be pushing back against his symbiote host, Venom. Is his resistance for naught? Plus: Spider-Man vs. the Neo-Luddites!

Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat

Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat

The Cat is B(l)ack in her own series and it's international intrigue at its sexiest by Jen Van Meter (Hopeless Savages, JSA) and Javier Pulido (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN). As Spider-Man is stalked during the Grim Hunt, the world's slyest, smartest and sneakiest jewel thief's latest heist puts the Black Cat face-to-face with the family that has been terrorizing Spider-Man's dreams and threatening those closest to him!

Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways To Live

Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Anti-Venom - New Ways To Live

What’s Black, White and Dead all over?!?! From the pages of last year’s best-selling NEW WAYS TO DIE, Zeb Wells (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN; NEW MUTANTS) and Paulo Siqueira (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, MS. MARVEL) bring you the story of Eddie Brock, the sallow symbiote known as Anti-Venom! With his life saved by Spider-Man, Eddie is cautiously walking the line between the darkness and light while trying to find his place in a world marked only by gray. The absolute last person he needs to run into is the Punisher. Unfortunately, the Punisher remembers Eddie as a cold-blooded killer, and that is just gonna hurt.

Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son

Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son

Where does Norman Osborn's fall leave his son, Harry? In the wake of the siege of Asgard and the dawn of a new Age of Heroes, the world finally knows what his father is -- but what is Harry himself? And who has taken on the American Son armor?

Amazing Spider-Man Family

Amazing Spider-Man Family

We all know Spider-Man's origin - but what happened the day after Uncle Ben died? Find out in Spider-Man: 48 Hours! Also, see the life of MayDay before she became Spider-Girl with Mr. and Mrs. Spider-Man! Also, check out Aunt May, Agent of F.E.A.S.T. and a flashback to the birth of Spidey's nemesis, VENOM!

Amazing Spider-Girl

Amazing Spider-Girl

With the aid of the most dedicated and enthusiastic fanbase in the history of Marveldom Assembled, Spider-Girl--the little comic that could--defied all the odds and reached a momentous 100 issues! This complete 32-page special recounts the full story of Spider- Man's daughter for new readers...and also allows her longtime fans to relive her greatest moments.

Amazing Scarlet Spider

Amazing Scarlet Spider

Most of the villains described below only appear as hologram manifestations.

Amazing Man Comics

Amazing Man Comics

Amazing-Man (John Aman) is a fictional, American comic book superhero whose adventures were published by Centaur Publications during the 1930s to 1940s in the Golden Age of Comic Books. Historians credit his creation to to Everett together with Centaur art director Lloyd Jacquet. The character influenced the creation and origin of Charlton Comics' 1960s superhero Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt, as well as Marvel Comics Iron Fist character in the 1970s.

Amazing Heroes

Amazing Heroes


Amazing Fantasy (2004)

Amazing Fantasy (2004)

The second volume of Amazing Fantasty. WIll lightning strike twice? This series has a variety of new characters that first appeared in these pages, such as Arana (now Spider-Girl), the female Scorpion Carmilla Black and her friend Derek Khanata, the lucky Vegas, Hulk and Hercules' side-kick Amadeus Cho, Damage Control's Monstro and Death's Head 3.0

Amazing Fantasy (1962)

Amazing Fantasy (1962)

Relive the adventures that started it all! A radioactive spider may have granted bookish young Peter Parker incredible abilities, but it was his uncle's death that truly transformed him. Thrill to Spidey's debut issues, completely re-mastered!

Amazing Fantasy #15: Spider-Man!

Amazing Fantasy #15: Spider-Man!

Reprinting Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962) and The Amazing Spider-man #1 (1963).

Amazing Adventures (1970)

Amazing Adventures (1970)


Alpha Flight Special

Alpha Flight Special


Alpha Flight (2011)

Alpha Flight (2011)

FEAR ITSELF TIE-IN! A FEAR ITSELF maxi-series spinoff! Do you fear... your country turning on you? Alpha Flight has long been the protector of an entire nation... but what happens when that nation needs to be protected from itself? New York Times best-selling authors Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente, along with red-hot artist Dale Eaglesham, bring back the team you demanded—the original Alpha Flight! Sasquatch, Snowbird, Northstar and Aurora have been joined by their revived allies Guardian, Vindicator, Shaman, and Marrina as the paragons and protectors of an entire nation. But as FEAR ITSELF takes over, their own country turns on the Flight and brands them traitors for the shocking actions of one of their closest allies. As the borders close and an entire nation hunts them down, will the newly reunited Alpha Flight survive?

Alpha Flight (2004)

Alpha Flight (2004)

Walter Langkowski, a.k.a. the spectacular Sasquatch (the hairy one), attempts to recruit an All-new, All-different Alpha Flight. He makes offers to all types of heroes: Major Mapleleaf (the blonde guy), Centennial (the old guy), Nemesis (the woman in the mask, with the sword), Puck (the punky bartender), and Yukon Jack (the guy without a shirt). After Laying out his case, saving a world that hates and fears them, they all, not surprisingly, give him a big, fat "no".

Alpha Flight (1997)

Alpha Flight (1997)

Why am I upset? How do you like being ignored? Now do you see how it feels to be right next to someone and have them act like you're a million miles away? I'm your girlfriend Mac...but you'd never know it. I think you'd be happier dating that suit of armor you hide under.

Alpha Flight (1983)

Alpha Flight (1983)

But a super natural monster name Tundra is unleashed on the Canadian countryside and Alpha Flight is called back into action -- but not by the Canadian Government. Vindicator's wife, Heather, acutally takes it upon herself to call the team back to help Vindicator in the fight. In doing so she also calls in 2 Beta Flight members, Puck and Marrina to help previous Alpha Flight members Aurora, Northstar, Sasquatch, Shaman and Snowbird.

All-Winners Comics

All-Winners Comics


All-Star Squadron

All-Star Squadron

President Franklin D. Roosevelt attempts to contact the Justice Society in hopes of using them to retaliate against the Axis forces for bombing Pearl Harbor. But when the team doesn't respond and appears missing, it's up to Hawkman, the Atom and Dr. Mid-Nite to form a new team in their place!
