
Superhero comic

Sigil (2011)

Sigil (2011)

In the war for forever, time is only an obstacle. Warriors jump from century to century, their battlefields span all of history. But now a 16 year old girl from present-day South Carolina will turn the tide. The symbol on her chest makes her part of this war, but will she save us or damn all of creation?

Sigil (2000)

Sigil (2000)

Humanity's last hope for survival is a grizzled space-soldier with a second chance at glory! After centuries of interstellar warfare, the humans of the Planetary Union have a new weapon against the man-eating Saurians. He is Samandahl Rey, galactic mercenary, who wields the world-changing power of the glowing Sigil burned into his chest. Could it be that this interspecies death-match is but a prelude for an even more momentous conflict?



The Asgardian warrior Sif was no stranger to battle, but when Asgard and its people made their glorious return through the power of Thor, Sif's body was stolen and possessed by crafty Loki and since, Sif hasn't been her true self. Now Sif sets out with Beta Ray Bill to fight her way back to true warrior's glory!

Siege: Young Avengers

Siege: Young Avengers

During the battle at Asgard, the Sentry -- under command of Norman Osborn -- killed Ares. Now Phobos must avenge his fallen father, begging the question: will any survive his vengeance?

Siege: The Cabal

Siege: The Cabal

THE SIEGE STARTS HERE!! Remember when you were first introduced to the Cabal, the gathering of the most sinister members of the Marvel Universe, and you said to yourself: Well, that's going to blow up in everyone's face! Well, you were right and it happens right here!! Norman Osborn faces off with Doctor Doom and his mysterious threat to Doom is revealed. All of this is setting the stage for next month's explosive event: SIEGE!

Siege: Storming Asgard - Heroes and Villains

Siege: Storming Asgard - Heroes and Villains

Since the shocking finale of Secret Invasion vaulted him to national prominence and a newfound respect, Norman Osborn slowly organized his power base, promoting his minions, eliminating his enemies- and losing his sanity. Now, as he meets with the uber-powerful elite of the Cabal- Doctor Doom, Loki and the Hood- the final stages of his Dark Reign are about to be put into fruition: the taking of Asgard. Some might say such a plan is insane. And when you're dealing with the former and possibly future Green Goblin, we're not going to necessarily disagree with you! Siege: Storming Asgard – Heroes & Villains takes you inside the careful planning behind Osborn's crusade to take the kingdom of Thor off the board. Who are the featured players in the saga, how did we get here, and what are the many contingencies in this operation? With insider character bios and commentary from the creators behind the Dark Siege, this will make essential reading for understanding the event inside and out!

Siege: Spider-Man

Siege: Spider-Man

During the battle at Asgard, the Sentry -- under command of Norman Osborn -- killed Ares. Now Phobos must avenge his fallen father, begging the question: will any survive his vengeance?

Siege: Secret Warriors

Siege: Secret Warriors

During the battle at Asgard, the Sentry -- under command of Norman Osborn -- killed Ares. Now Phobos must avenge his fallen father, begging the question: will any survive his vengeance?

Siege: Loki

Siege: Loki

Balder has fallen under Loki's influence but he is not the only one. The Trickster has convinced Norman Osborn -- the former Green Goblin and current head of H.A.M.M.E.R. -- that Asgard must be removed...

Siege: Embedded

Siege: Embedded

SIEGE has begun! Norman Osborn's savvy use of the media fueled his rise to power -- but the very tools he's been using may turn against him. It's time to expose Norman's true face to the world and uncover the secrets behind the attack on the gods!

Siege: Captain America

Siege: Captain America

During the battle at Asgard, the Sentry -- under command of Norman Osborn -- killed Ares. Now Phobos must avenge his fallen father, begging the question: will any survive his vengeance?

Siege (2015)

Siege (2015)

They can't ever win. They can't afford to lose. The Shield is the only thing that protects the more civilized areas of Battleworld from the zombie hordes, death machines, and annihilation waves. Anyone who annoys Doom gets sent to The Shield. Anyone who gets sent to The Shield deals with Abigail Brand. Miss America, Lady Katherine, Kang the Conqueror, Leah Shieldmen, the Endless Summers Company, Leonardo Da Vinci, and a cast of thousands will fight to the death to keep Battleworld safe. But don't worry, Kieron Gillen is writing this book, so I'm sure everything will end happily for everyone. "Imagine NextWave as a tragedy," says Kieron, if anyone asks him about it.

Siege (2010)

Siege (2010)

Marvel's early 2010 event that will close out the Dark Reign storyline and unify Captain America, Iron Man and Thor.

Showcase '96

Showcase '96


Showcase '94

Showcase '94

Three tales from three different creative teams! First, James Robinson and Christian Alamy tackle the Clown Prince of Crime in the first of a two-part tale. Plus, a Gunfire story by Len Wein and an adventure with the New Gods by Walt Simonson!

Showcase '93

Showcase '93

The comic book series spotlighting various characters from across the DC Universe in their very own stories returns! This anthological series which ran yearly from 1993 to 1996 features various writers and artists telling tales starring DCU faves such as Catwoman, Lobo and more!



Showcase kicked off its 22 year run with an unusual choice of lead character - Fireman Farrell. Although admired by many boys, firefighters never caught in in comics (unlike cowboys, astronauts and police officers - all of whom were staple comic fare) - and Farrell was no exception.

Shogun Warriors

Shogun Warriors

Introducing the Guardians of Freedom - the Shogun Warriors. Massive engines of power, forged by the technology of the future, and piloted by the bravest heroes the world has ever known. In the first exciting issue Raydeen battles the colossal might of Rok-Korr!

Shell Shock

Shell Shock

A collection of stories, mostly turtles, but including some other characters as well. Some were reprints, others written for this volume. Book put out as a benefit book for the Literacy Volunteers of Chicago.
