

Status: Completed
Author: Mike Benson
Drew is a bullied kid in the Yonkers neighborhood of New York City whose family faces encroaching violence from Russian gangsters. Before his beloved grandfather is killed in an attempt to muscle the family out of the neighborhood, he's able to pass down to Drew the story of a mysterious but dangerous protector who helped their people during other troubled times. When Drew finds his grandfather kept the secret to creating a golem, is it worth the risk to summon this supernatural avenger to take on the all-too-human darkness swallowing his world?
Last updated


List Brik's chaps

#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue #1 48.5MB7 years ago
2Issue #2 45.9MB7 years ago
3Issue #3 43.6MB7 years ago
4Issue #4 43.1MB7 years ago
5Issue #5 36.1MB7 years ago
6Issue #6 41.5MB7 years ago

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