
Juni Ba comic

Monkey Meat

Monkey Meat

DJELIYA creator JUNI BA introduces a new fantasy universe in this ANTHOLOGY SERIES! The Monkey Meat Company made its fortune selling cans of processed meat all around the world. Using that money to fuel their wacky experiments, they turned their native island into a magical hyper-capitalist hellscape where even demons have to pay rent! Follow the lives of the creatures of Monkey Meat Island in this fun, action-packed romp. Each issue is its own story! “With this follow-up to DJELIYA, JUNI BA delivers a smart, funny, and drop-dead gorgeous satire of capitalism, climate annihilation, and perpetual content culture, proving once again that he is one of the most exciting cartoonists working today.” —SEBASTIAN GIRNER (SCALES AND SCOUNDRELS) “A showcase of pure imagination and storytelling prowess. MONKEY MEAT is a dream of what comics should be, but it’s here in your hand right now.” —HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOU (PanelxPanel Magazine)
Genre: Fantasy



Inspired by West African folklore and stories handed over centuries, this unique graphic novel follows the adventures of Mansour Keita, last prince of a dying kingdom, and Awa Kouyaté, his loyal Djeli, or 'royal storyteller' as they journey to meet the great wizard who destroyed their world and then withdrew into his tower, never to be seen again. On their journey they'll cross paths with friend and foe, from myth and legend alike, and revisit the traditions, tales, and stories that gave birth to their people and nurture them still. But what dark secret lies at the heart of these stories, and what purpose do their tellers truly serve?
