
Chris Dows comic



First exciting issue! They were descendants of some of the greatest adventurers in literature from some of the great classics like Journey to Center of the Earth, 20,000 League Under the Sea, Mysterious Island, Invisible Man, Time Machine, Island of Dr. Moreau, and others. Now banded together, they champion the pursuit of knowledge, the marvels of scientific exploration, and the wonders of investigating the unknown in the world around us. The Searchers is an action adventure series that can be equally enjoyed by adolescents as well as adults.

Searchers: Apostle of Mercy

Searchers: Apostle of Mercy

London's burning! Martian war machines terrorize the capital! And Geneva Walcott Fogg is running for her life! But this awesome, destructive power does not come from outer space-its vile roots are much closer to home. This continues the extraordinary change in Geneva's life and draws closer to a major new player in the Searchers universe. Double sized issue.


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