
Russ Braun comic

Deathworld: Book Two

Deathworld: Book Two

Jason is kidnapped by Mikah who want to take him back to Cassylia for trial; However, Jason sabotages the ship's controls causing it to crash land on a primitive planet where Jason has to use his wits to survive. Based on the novel 'Deathworld 2' published by Bantam Books in 1964.
Genre: Sci-Fi



Kerk uses noted gambler Jason Dinalt to turn 27 million credits into three billion for weapons; Jason uses his psi power to win at the gambling tables and the two men escape Cassylia before the authorities can stop them; Jason insists on accompanying Kerk to his home planet despite warnings that all the creatures on that world are deadly; The pilot, Meta, takes an interest in Jason during the journey, but once they've arrived she wants nothing to do with him.
Genre: Sci-Fi

The Vault of Horror (1950)

The Vault of Horror (1950)

Five men meet in the elevator that goes slower and slower. Finally, the heroes find themselves in a strange basement, where they await the arrival of the host. But each of them suffers any fears about which they tell each other.
