Someone to Talk To

Someone to Talk To

Status: OnGoing
Author: Panaccione
Artis: Panaccione
Samuel is feeling blue, and for good reason! He's single, lives in a tiny Paris apartment, and is languishing in a job he hates. Alone on his birthday, he decides to amuse himself by calling the only phone number he knows by heart: the one for his childhood home. To his surprise, someone picks up... His past self! All 10-year-old Sam wants to do is play soccer, travel the world, and write books to impress girls. How will Samuel ever be able to tell him the truth without crushing his dreams? It's time he got his life back on track.
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#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue # TPB (Part 1) N/A3 months ago
2Issue # TPB (Part 2) N/A3 months ago
3Issue # TPB (Part 3) N/A3 months ago

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