Popular Skullture: The Skull Motif in Pulps, Paperbacks, and Comics

Popular Skullture: The Skull Motif in Pulps, Paperbacks, and Comics

Other names: Popular Skullture
Status: Completed
Genre: Literature
Author: Various
Artis: Various
Consumers embrace the skull: Nike, Calvin Klein, Zippo, and Crystal Head Vodka feature them as product lines. Skulls adorn artwork, sneakers, candy, skateboards, jewelry, and even wallpaper. The skull is everywhere in pop culture! Never before has a book addressed the skull as a cover motif during the Golden Age of American publishing. Countless skull-themed comic book, pulp, and paperback covers appeared from the 1930s through the mid-50s. Popular Skullture assembles over 160 of the creepiest, oddest, and downright weirdest skull covers, edited and designed by award-winning art director Monte Beauchamp--with an introduction by graphic design luminary Steven Heller.
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#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue # TPB (Part 1) 52.9MB4 years ago
2Issue # TPB (Part 2) 47.9MB4 years ago

Similar Popular Skullture: The Skull Motif in Pulps, Paperbacks, and Comics comics
