Groom Lake

Groom Lake

Status: Completed
Genre: Mature, Sci-Fi
Author: Chris Ryall
The truth is out... er, under there? In the remote Nevada desert there sits a dry lakebed called Groom Lake, and under that land resides a secret base that holds all the secrets of the world. Not this world, either. Writer Chris Ryall and artist Ben Templesmith present a four-part tale of abductions and probings, conspiracies and secrets. And the key to it all is held in the grey, six-fingered hand of one Ng Hudson. Templesmith provides two covers for this debut issue!
Last updated


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#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue #1 15MB7 years ago
2Issue #2 17MB7 years ago
3Issue #3 14.3MB7 years ago
4Issue #4 14.2MB7 years ago

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